Happy Belated Birthday To My Loved Ones

Alhamdulillah, syukur…:)

It has been a while Mama ridak bercerita mengenai my 2 little angels and my beloved husband. Alhamdulillah, syukur…:) For the last 2 months, my loved ones have been celebrated their birthdays.

First of all, walaupun Mama a bit terlewat, tetapi Mama ingin juga mengucapkan selamat menyambut hari kelahiran yang ke-2 to my princess, Inas Lutfiyah binti Mohd Sayuti. Birthday Inas jatuh pada 2hb September 2014 lepas.

Inas Lutfiyah - 3Alhamdulillah, anak Mama sudah pun genap 2 tahun. And finally, sudah pun berhenti minum susu ibu after sebulan genap 2 tahun. Thank you Inas Lutfiyah, sebab bagi Mama peluang untuk menyusukan Inas selama 2 tahun genap dan lebih. Journey menyusukan Inas adalah salah satu pengalaman yang paling berharga buat Mama. Mama loves you so much. Semoga Inas membesar dan menjadi anak yang baik, insan yang dapat berjasa kepada ibu bapa dan masyarakat sekeliling.

Inas Lutfiyah - 4 Inas Lutfiyah - 5 Inas Lutfiyah - 6Her favourite baju tidur.

Second, Mama ingin mengucapkan happy belated birthday to my beloved husband. Ayah turned 33 on 7th of October 2014. Alhamdulillah…:) Another year, for both of us, together with our prince and princess.

Third, Mama ingin mengucapkan selamat hari lahir to my handsome prince, Ahmad Syahir bin Mohd Sayuti. Fuh~~

Ahmad Syahir - 8Syahir sudah pun berumur 5 tahun pada 8th of October 2014 lepas. Lagi 2 tahun, akan masuk Darjah 1. Cepatnya masa berlalu. Now, Syahir memang banyak bertanya, and he talks a lot. The moment he wakes up in the morning, he will start talking until he fell asleep in the night.

Ahmad Syahir - 9Alhamdulillah, sejak Syahir dimasukkan ke program di tadika Little Caliph, he knows a lot of things. He knows how to speak in English, even though a few sentences, and he knows how to interact with other people. He knows how to recite a few bacaan doa as well. Alhamdulillah….:)

Ahmad Syahir - 10Rajin tolong Mama angkat jemuran di ampaian.

Ahmad Syahir And Inas Lutfiyah - 4My 2 little angels. I love both of them so much. They are my strength. My reasons why I’ve worked so hard in this business.

Ahmad Syahir And Inas Lutfiyah - 3Thank you, Allah, for these wonderful gifts. For these special moments with my loved ones. Doakan kebahagian keluarga Mama. Doakan kesejahteraan kami semua. Amin.

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